Focus Areas

Our office works to uphold civil rights laws, provide resources, and ensure compliance in these key areas:

Sexual Misconduct

Investigating complaints and providing resources and support for sexual misconduct and harassment issues prohibited by Title IX of the Civil Rights Act.


Ensuring compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and university policies to provide accommodations and accessible spaces.


Investigating complaints and providing support for discrimination, harassment, fair employment practices, non-discrimination compliance, religious guidelines, and Title VI bias.

Meet our Leadership Team

Tiffini Stevenson Earl

Tiffini Stevenson Earl

Senior Director and ADA Coordinator
Monique DiCarlo

Monique DiCarlo

Title IX Coordinator and Director
Jennifer Modestou

Jennifer Modestou

Director of Equal Opportunity

News and Announcements

The latest updates and resources related to the Office of Civil Rights Compliance.

Free Speech at Iowa

The Free Speech at Iowa website features policies, guides, and resources designed to promote free expression, academic freedom, and diversity of perspectives on our campus. The website also allows you to ask a question or report a free speech concern.