Addressing Concerns at Iowa
The University of Iowa is a place where all people should feel safe and included. We strive to be a welcoming campus where hate and racism are not accepted. Freedom of expression is a cherished right of all while we respect our differences. As we continue to grow our ability to listen, learn and be fair to each other, we use these tools to grow our community, its collaboration, and gain civil respect for each other.
We want to know if discrimination, hate speech, or a crime is occurring on our campus. If you see something, please say something. If you have experienced incidents of bias or discrimination, please reach out for support. The university community can report prejudice or discrimination incidents securely online to the Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC) or the Campus Inclusion Team. You can call 319-335-0705 or click on “REPORT A PROBLEM” above. In the instance of a crime or emergency, immediately contact 911.

Sexual misconduct and Title IX
Concerns related to sexual misconduct and Title IX can assist you in locating resources. You can find numerous ways to access support from the options below for students, staff, faculty, and visitors.
The University of Iowa has published an policy and procedure compliant with the new Title IX Regulations Addressing Sexual Harassment. Reports and complaints received on or after August 14th, 2020 will follow the new procedure. Applicable policies will be determined by the date of the alleged violation.
Visit Sexual Harassment & Misconduct Resources for more information
Investigative procedures
Title IX Coordinator
Equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, and compliance
The equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, and compliance unit implement diversity policies at the University of Iowa and supports the university’s compliance with federal/state laws and regulations and university policies employment opportunity, affirmative action, and its compliance
We serve as a resource to support the university's compliance with federal/state laws and regulations and university policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and sexual harassment by or towards any UI community member.
Equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, and compliance director

Discrimination Investigations and ADA Compliance
The discrimination investigations and ADA compliance unit implement diversity policies at the University of Iowa and support the university’s compliance with federal/state laws and regulations and university policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and ADA compliance by or towards any UI community member.
We serve as a resource to support the university's compliance with federal/state laws and regulations and university policies prohibiting discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and ADA compliance by or towards any UI community member.
24-Hour Rape Crisis Line (800) 228-1625
24-hour rape crisis hotline: (800) 228-1625
- Our mission is to provide free, confidential, trauma-informed advocacy to people affected by sexual violence and promote social change through prevention education.
Office of the Ombudsperson: (319) 335-3608
Office of the Ombudsperson: (319) 335-3608
- The Office of the Ombudsperson is a resource for any member of the university community -- including students, faculty, staff, postdocs, residents and fellow-- with a problem or concern. We provide informal conflict resolution, mediation services and advocacy for fair treatment and fair process.
Faculty and Staff Services/ Employee Assistance Program (for employees): (319) 335-2085
Faculty and Staff Services/ Employee Assistance Program (for employees): (319) 335-2085
- The Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a unit of Health and Productivity, provides integrated services to faculty, staff, and their family members to promote emotional well-being and to increase engagement and productivity among members of our UI community.
University Counseling Service (for students): (319) 335-7294
University Counseling Service (for students): (319) 335-7294
- Supporting mental well-being and helping students succeed at Iowa
Women’s Resources and Action Center (WRAC): (319) 335-1486
Women’s Resources and Action Center (WRAC): (319) 335-1486
- WRAC works to create greater equity for individuals and communities of all identities, with a particular focus on women, through activism, social justice initiatives, leadership training, advocacy, service, and personal and professional development.
Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP): (319) 351-1042 24 hour hotline: (800) 373-1043
Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP): (319) 351-1042 24 hour hotline: (800) 373-1043
- DVIP provides services to victim/survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and human trafficking
UI Support and Crisis Line (844) 461-5420
UI Support and Crisis Line – Here for you via chat, phone, or text
The University of Iowa 24/7 Support and Crisis Line is available to students, faculty, staff, and postdocs as part of the university’s ongoing effort to prioritize the mental health and well-being of campus. Call or text 844-461-5420 or chat online for free and confidential support.
Monsoon Asians and Pacific Islanders in Solidarity (319) 538-5207
Monsoon Asians and Pacific Islanders in Solidarity (319) 538-5207
- Monsoon Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity (formerly Monsoon United Asian Women of Iowa) serves victims/survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking in Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities in Iowa.
Nissa African Family Services (319) 338-7617
Nisaa African Family Services (319) 338-7617
- Nisaa African Family Service’s mission is to end domestic violence and sexual assault in African Immigrants and Refugee communities by promoting social, economic and political self-determination of all women; it seeks to build healthy communities through transformative justice and social change.
Transformative Healing (319) 389-8430
Transformative Healing (319) 389-8430
- A safe space for LGBTQIA survivors of sexual violence
CommUnity Crisis Services (855) 325-4296
CommUnity Crisis Services (855) 325-4296
- CommUnity Crisis Services and Food Bank is a volunteer-driven organization based in Iowa City, IA that provides immediate and non-judgmental support for individuals facing emotional, food, or financial crisis.
Office of Civil Rights Compliance - 319.335.0705
In June of 2024, the Office of Institutional Equity became the Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC) to comply with the UI DEI Path Forward Task Force recommendations and the Iowa Board of Regents directives for diversity, equity, and inclusion. OCRC is lead by Tiffini Stevenson Earl and remains the home of resources and investigations for federal and state law compliance around Title IX, Title II, bias, discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct at the University of Iowa.
In April 2021, the University of Iowa announced it was forming a new Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) under the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DDEI) to streamline the process of reporting bias, harassment, discrimination, equity, free speech, and sexual misconduct concerns.
Effective July 1, 2021, the Office of Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator (OSMRC), the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (EOD), and two investigators of the Office of Student Accountability (OSA) related to Title IX complaints merged to become the OIE. Working together, the three units will provide a centralized complaint investigative team, a coordinated intake and record-keeping process, and improved response times to investigations.
The Office of Civil Rights Compliance supports a campus environment where each individual's ideas, contributions, and goals are respected and valued.
Office of Student Accountability (319) 335-1162
Office of Student Accountability (319) 335-1162
- The Office of Student Accountability is dedicated to encouraging responsible community behavior, educating UI students, and facilitating accountability in situations where violations of the Code of Student Life have occurred.
Threat Assessment Team (319) 384-2955
Threat Assessment Team (319) 384-2955
- Threat Assessment Program partners are dedicated to the early identification, assessment, and management of incidents and behaviors that threaten the safety and well-being of the university community.