About Us
The Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC) supports the university by providing all members of the community with expert advice, education, and services that ensure the university’s compliance with all applicable federal, state, and university equal opportunity, affirmative action, nondiscrimination, sexual misconduct, Title IX and civil rights laws, regulations, and policies.
OCRC is responsible for providing education and training to the campus community and serving as a neutral investigator for alleged university policy violations. The unit works with faculty, staff, and students who believe they may have been subjected to prohibited harassment, discrimination, unfair or inequitable treatment in violation of the University's policies and also provides guidance to University administrators working to resolve concerns in their designated work areas.
The Office of Civil Rights Compliance responds to concerns related to the following policies:
- Human Rights
- Anti-Harassment
- Consensual Relationships Involving Students
- Violence
- Anti-Retaliation
- Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct (includes associated procedure)
- Code of Student Life
- Physical and Sexual Abuse of Children
Depending on the situation and the identities of the involved parties, one of the following procedures or guidelines may also guide the university's response:
Information about the discrimination complaint procedures can be found at:
Discrimination Complaint Procedures
To file an anonymous complaint related to a financial crime or misconduct, please see Ethics Point.
Discrimination Investigations/ADA Compliance
202 Jessup Hall
2 West Jefferson Street
Iowa City, IA 42242-1316
Tel: 319-335-0705
Fax: 319-353-2088
Email: ocrc-discrimination@uiowa.edu or ocrc-disability@uiowa.edu
Title IX
455 Van Allen Hall
30 North Dubuque Street
Iowa City, IA 52242
Phone number: (319) 335-0705
Email address: ocrc-titleIX@uiowa.edu

Monique DiCarlo
Director and Title IX Coordinator

Sara Feldmann
Deputy Director, Title IX Coordinator
Assistant Director

Krista Kronstein

Kristal Gibson
Senior Investigator

Cathy McGinnis
Response Coordinator, Title IX

Waldemar Rodriguez
Response Coordinator and Investigator

Bianca Esquivel
Administrative Services Coordinator

Tiffini Stevenson Earl
Senior Director and ADA Coordinator

Lauren Camp

Julian West

Breno Silvestrini Rodrigues
Report a Problem
The Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC) can provide you with complaint options (both informal and formal) and resources
If you are currently in a situation where immediate medical, police or other emergency services are needed, call 911 or the UI Police (for on campus issues) at 319-335-5022 or your local law enforcement agency (for off campus issues)
Informal Resolution Forms
(for academic or administrator officer use only)