January 2021-January 2022

- The College of Nursing DEI Committee completed writing a five-year DEI Strategic Plan. The purpose of the plan is to align goals with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing New Essentials and the National Academy of Medicine's "The Future of Nursing 2020-2030." These documents stress integrating more into the nursing curriculum issues like achieving health equity and deconstructing structural racism.
- UI College of Nursing faculty serving on the Iowa Board of Nursing for Workforce Development engaged in "Improving Minority Underrepresentation in Nursing: At the Bedside, in the Classroom, and the Boardroom" to focus on intentional and strategic avenues for increasing URM in the profession of nursing.
- The UI College of Nursing Faculty Development series included a two-part workshop entitled "Micro-Aggressions and Bias" to introduce and practice using two frameworks to strengthen upstander lens and voice to counter microaggressions. Another development session entitled "Preparing Nursing Leaders and Scholars for the Future of Nursing" addressed leading change, advancing the science and profession of nursing, and improving health and healthcare.
- The UI College of Nursing Diversity Resources Office launched the UI College of Nursing DEI ICON site for faculty and staff to serve as a toolkit that includes a variety of evidence-based resources covering a diversity of DEI/social justice topics to enhance teaching, research, programming, clinical, professional, and personal experiences.
- The UI College of Nursing coordinated "The Path Forward To Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion," a DEI Training Workshop for members of the Iowa Association of Colleges of Nursing Retreat where administrators of BSN programs from around the state of Iowa participated to discuss program readiness, needs, challenges and successes in building in DEI/social justice material into the nursing curriculum and pedagogy.
- The UI College of Nursing Dean's Office coordinated a college-wide workshop entitled "Applying Social Determinants of Learning™ to Guide Holistic Admissions" to examine how using the social determinants of health model as a foundation can increase the capacity of participants to synthesize the tenants of holistic admissions while reconciling educational injustices that may otherwise hinder efforts to diversifying nursing programs and ultimately, the nursing workforce.
- The UI College of Nursing launched "e-SPACE4 (engaging Skills, Practice, And Conversation Enlightenment, Education,
- The UI College of Nursing Human Resources Office conducted focus group sessions with nursing faculty and staff for the Future Work @ Iowa.
- The UI College of Nursing Diversity Resources Office joined forces with nursing diversity officers from Big Ten institutions to formulate the Big Ten Nursing Academic Alliance, sharing resources, best practices.
- The UI College of Nursing held workshops addressing the "Racism and Maternal Health" Series focusing on African American and Latina/x populations.
- The UI College of Nursing Diversity Resources Office planned a college fair for URM and first-generation Iowa and Illinois high school students from the Quad Cities in partnership with QC area school districts.
- The UI College of Nursing faculty participated in a panel for undergraduate students in the Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) to share information about the nursing profession.
- The UI College of Nursing Diversity Resources Office administered the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) to BSN students in the Nursing Freshman Seminar course to assess intercultural competence—shifting cultural perspectives and appropriately adapting behavior to cultural differences and commonalities.
- The UI College of Nursing Diversity Resources Office invited Playground of Empathy to facilitate learning sessions on "The Empathable Experience: A Walk In My Shoes" for BSN students in NURS: 3660 Professional Role III: Improving Health Systems course to engage in critical self-reflection for framing diverse voices through point-of-view experiences.
- The UI College of Nursing faculty and staff participated in "Being Skills for Difficult Dialogues" workshops facilitated by The Being Institute at the UI College of Education. The sessions focused on ways of being in a relationship and on process-oriented approaches that examine how we engage instead of just focusing on outcomes.
- The College of Nursing Multicultural Nursing Association (MNA) hosted two virtual events with nursing students from the University of Dubuque, including a session focusing on "Disability, Culture, and Identity: Shared Experiences in Healthcare Settings" in collaboration with the UI Center for Disabilities & Development, and a follow-up session on "Implicit Bias in Healthcare"; a fall welcome gathering entitled "Future Nurse: What's Your Superpower?" to welcome new nursing interest students to the College. MNA also held a "Movies & Baskets Night" to create baskets with movie night items to donate to the Iowa City Ronald McDonald House.
- The UI College of Nursing Diversity Resources Office collaborated with the UI Human Resources Department to talk "My Journey Behind The Veil" as part of UHR's DEI Listening Post Speakers Series. Individuals from across the campus share their stories centering around DEI life experiences.
- The UI College of Nursing collaborated with the UI College of Liberal Arts & Sciences theme year initiative, Pursuing Racial Justice at The University of Iowa, by participating in the coordination of a webinar entitled "Barriers to Health Equity in Iowa City: Centering Diverse Community Voices." The webinar included a panel of individuals across the healthcare spectrum to speak about their experiences caring for disadvantaged populations while striving to improve health outcomes for all individuals in the Iowa City area.