Prevention and Education
Goal: Engage the campus community in ongoing prevention and education efforts to involve all students, faculty, and staff in creating a safe and respectful environment. The UI Comprehensive Education Model guides this work.
Strategies, Tactics and Updates
Increase tools for students to engage in healthy relationships throughout the dating experience. (3, 4, 6, A, B, E)
- Reboot the Green Flag Campaign to help students identify positive relationship behaviors, social norming, etc.
- Fall 2021 Update: A working group of members of the Anti-Violence Coalition and Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct (SACSM) is leading the “reboot” of the previous Green Flag campaign, scheduled to occur in April 2022.
- Spring 2022 Update: The Green Flag Campaign was rebooted in Spring 2022. The campaign consisted of 6 workshops with a diverse group of students, a campus-wide interactive tabling event, and a comprehensive social media engagement. The campaign increased its collaborations with both campus and community collaboration as well as student organizations.
- Build capacity for consent, healthy relationships, and bystander intervention education with first-year students and Fraternity and Sorority Life members.
- Spring 2022 Update: A prevention assistant was hired in spring 2022 to support education.
- Create educational resources that promote prosocial messaging around healthy relationship behaviors.
- Fall 2023 Update: In partnership with WRAC and RVAP, outlined healthy relationships content for students to include on the Ending Violence at Iowa website.
- Spring 2024 Update: Healthy relationships content for students on the Ending Violence at Iowa website is now available:
Provide easily accessible education for students on healthy sexuality. (4, 5, 6, 8, A)
- Focus education on students not already invested in learning more about consent.
- Fall 2022 Update: The “Costumes are not Consent” project was a social media campaign created by SACSM to reinforce the concept that the only party responsible for sexual misconduct or violence is the perpetrator. The campaign was disseminated via SACSM and other student organizations’ social media platforms the week before “Halloweekend,” a weekend is known to bring together several risk factors for sexual violence on campus. The created content also provided the contact information/websites for several university-associated, local, and culturally-sensitive resources for survivors of sexual violence.
- Create accessible educational videos and graphics around negotiating relationships, pleasure, sexual contact, and ways to practice consent skills.
- Fall 2023 Update: Worked with SACSM leadership to generate ideas about how best to distribute this information. SACSM determined that social media posts and banners/ communications on platforms that students regularly access, rather than a video, would be the best approach.
- Partner with Student Wellness to explore the implementation of "Our Whole Lives Sexual Health Education" in partnership with campus and community organizations.
- Fall 2022 Update: Met with Lifespan Education Director at the Unitarian Universalist Society to discuss Our Whole Lives Sexual Health Education facilitator training for spring 2023.
- Spring 2023 Update: Two staff members in Student Wellness completed the Our Whole Lives Sexual Health Education training.
- Partner with Student Wellness and Undergraduate Student Government to promote messaging about consent and healthy relationships in sexual health education and on sexual health materials.
- Spring 2023 Update: Students selected two messages, “No does not mean convince me.” and “Consent isn’t optional.” to be used on sexual health materials. Sexual health materials with these messages will be ready to distribute for the fall 2023 semester.
Pilot new tiered prevention education programming for Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) members to provide developmentally appropriate education based on students’ tenure in the FSL community. (A, B)
- Fall 2021 Update: A program was introduced for first-year FSL community students, including in-person and online sessions. Roll out of the pilot has been initiated. As of fall 2021, the curriculum for all tiers has been developed, and new members joining FSL organizations have entered Tier 1 of the prevention education pilot.
- Spring 2022 Update: In spring 2022, the tiered education system's pilot year with first-year FSL community students concluded. The pilot had a 98% completion rate. An end-of-year survey was administered to get feedback on the pilot and set a baseline for future assessment. We are implementing the full-tiered education plan in fall 2022.
- Fall 2022 Update: Stared full implementation of the tiered violence prevention education program for every member of FSL across all four councils in fall 2022. Data on the program outcomes will be available at the end of the academic year.
- Spring 2023 Update: The first full year of the pilot has concluded, and preliminary data from the year will be analyzed over the summer 2023.
- Spring 2024 Update: We have moved past the pilot period and the Violence Prevention Team is continuing to provide tiered prevention programming to FSL members. During the Spring semester, 24 workshops were offered for the FSL tiered education program, which totaled to reaching 840 FSL members. This was the first semester that some of the sessions were led fully by Certified Peer Educators (CPE’s.)
Expand the “What about Me(n)?” speaker series coordinated by the Men and Masculinities Coalition to continue to provide engaging discussion on diverse, authentic masculinities. (A, B)
- Spring 2022 Update: The coalition partnered with GPSG and United Action for Youth to host speaker Dr. Wilson Okello for an engaging live-streamed event on campus and virtually entitled "Exploring the Potential for Love as the Root of Relationships." Dr. Okello discussed how an anti-heteronormative love ethic anchored in Black feminism could serve as a liberatory tool among men in and beyond academe. Employing a Black feminist love praxis, he explored possibilities of love as a relational and revolutionary interruption of the white supremacist, capitalist, cis-patriarchal modes of being that dominate the persistence of Black men in and beyond academe.
- Fall 2022 Update: A proposal was developed by the Men & Masculinities Coalition to conduct small group conversations centered around masculine identity and challenging norms with male-identifying students across campus. Programs will be open to all. Facilitators across campus have been recruited and a facilitator guide has been developed with an example peer scenario for discussion.
- Spring 2023 Update: Training was conducted for twelve discussion facilitators by staff in the Office of Assessment, Improvement, and Research, Title IX & Gender Equity, and the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
- Fall 2023 Update: Men and Masculinities Coalition recommended creating a violence prevention workshop topic focusing on authentic masculinity and addressing the impacts of alcohol use that can be presented to groups upon request.
Pilot Fraternity Men’s Peer conversation program about authentic masculinities. (A, B)
- Spring 2022 Update: Initial pilot of Authentic Masculinity in Fraternity occurred in spring 2022. Participants indicated that participation in the program helped them be more open to talking with others about masculinity, and all participants would recommend this program to a fraternity brother.
- Fall 2022 Update: The program won the 2022 Diversity and Social Justice Initiative award from the Association for Fraternity and Sorority Life Advisors.
Outline metrics to track and assess student progress toward meeting the gender-based violence prevention learning outcomes.
- Fall 2022: The Campus Education Subcommittee completed training about metrics and organized working groups to establish metrics for each of the overarching goals of the campus-wide learning outcomes.
- Spring 2023: Metrics were identified by the Campus Education Subcommittee to track progress toward meeting violence prevention learning outcomes through assessment of the prevention education provided on campus. Metrics address outcomes under each of the four goals.
Develop and implement comprehensive policy education for students, faculty, and staff to increase knowledge on the reporting and adjudication process. (9, 10, E)
- Spring 2022 Update: Policy Education Work Group has created outcomes for policy education and is drafting content. Content and format will be shared with stakeholders for feedback in fall 2022.
- Fall 2022 Update: A web-based decision tree and Frequently Asked Questions were drafted to be a web-based resource for students. A focus group was conducted with Violence Prevention Peer Educators to obtain feedback about the resource. The group provided suggested changes, additional FAQs, and online locations for the decision tree.
- Spring 2023 Update: View the final report from the working group and explore the use of a chatbot to support student, faculty, and staff questions and access to resources.
- Fall 2023 Update: Exploring, in collaboration with Information Technology Services, purchasing a chatbot that can be used on the Title IX and Gender Equity website to answer frequently asked questions.
Implement focus groups to collect student feedback on current prevention and education efforts. Use the data from these groups, along with best practices, to develop or modify our prevention curriculum (carried over from 2018-2021 plan) (1a, 8, D)
- Engage with transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) students to gather information about sources of harm and to solicit ideas for appropriate ways to address harm.
- Fall 2022 Update: Research questions for the focus groups were revised based on the 2020 Speak Out Iowa data report published in 2021. All IRB documents including the focus group facilitator guide, research consent documents, and recruiting materials were updated to reflect the changes.
Support faculty and staff in creating healthy, safe, and respectful environments. (1a, 1b, A, B)
- Partner with the Office of the Provost and College deans to provide information on creating safe and respectful environments within faculty orientation and DEO training.
- Spring 2022 Update: TIXGE presented "Responding to Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct" to Associate Deans and Directors in April.
- Spring 2022 Update: TIXGE presented "Responding to Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct" to Directors of Undergraduate Programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
- Fall 2022 Update: TIXGE and DVIP, in partnership with the Graduate College, presented to the directors of Graduate Studies in October.
- Charge a faculty-led workgroup, in partnership with the Faculty Senate, to create resources for faculty to establish healthy, safe, respectful mentoring relationships and productive learning and work environments.
- Fall 2023 Update: The Campus Education Subcommittee conducted a review of just-in-time resources for responding to disclosures at other Big Ten universities, as well as a literature review of best practices.
- Work with the Office of the Ombudsperson to implement the Respectful Workplace workshop strategically.
- Expand opportunities to integrate language around respectful and inclusive environments into the regular IDEA (Integrating Diversity, Equity, and Action) conversations between staff and supervisors within the Division of Student Life.
- Spring 2023 Update: A question on creating respectful and inclusive environments was added to the IDEA conversation bank. Training occurred in February with Division supervisors
- Promote the cross-listed Advocating for Safe Communities and BUILD courses.
- Fall 2022 Update: The Advocating for Safe Communities BUILD course was promoted within the Anti-Violence Coalition and with other partners. In partnership with RVAP, the DDEI will open an additional course section in the spring of 2023 to meet demand. As availability to teach the course increases, additional offerings will be scheduled.
- Partner with University Human Resources to explore ideas for embedding healthy relationships and work environments in well-being and Employee Assistance Program (EAP) materials.
- Spring 2023 Update: Staff in EAP reported on a workgroup gathering and reviewing aggregate data from UI. There is information on the website on promoting healthy relationships. A new course focuses on boundaries and empowerment to execute boundaries if needed, as well as referral to EAP services. Staff have received specialized training focusing on healthy relationships. EAP staff will use the Boundaries video in the training program.
Work with the Office of Institutional Equity to pilot anti-harassment training for student employees across campus and explore tracking compliance with University Human Resources. (1b)
- Fall 2022 Update: All students employed within the Division of Student Life were assigned the online anti-harassment course for non-supervisors that all University of Iowa full-time employees currently complete. All new student employees will now be required to complete the course as a part of the new employee orientation/onboarding process.
- Spring 2023 Update: A final report was submitted, which described the implementation process and completion rate of the non-supervisor online anti-harassment course for student employees within the Division of Student Life. Recommendations were made for the implementation of the training for student employees campus-wide.
- A final report was submitted, which described the implementation process and completion rate of the non-supervisor online anti-harassment course for student employees within the Division of Student Life. Recommendations were made for the implementation of the training for student employees campus-wide.
Partner with the free speech work on campus to provide supplemental resources for students, faculty, and staff on having respectful dialogues in online environments. (2a, 2b)
- Connect Our Community Cares messaging to other messaging campaigns on campus to highlight caring about our community within the bounds of free speech.
Prioritize protective community environments by increasing resources to train bar staff through Raise the Bar. (5, A)
- Provide "Raise the Bar" training to event management staff working at Kinnick Stadium.
- Fall 2022 Update: RVAP provided Raise the Bar training for Kinnick event management staff in October.
- Spring 2022 Update: A Raise the Bar Assistant was hired in spring 2022 and will begin building relationships with bars and restaurants in the Iowa City area over summer 2022 and providing training in fall 2023.
- Fall 2023 Update: Conducted two Raise the Bar trainings with staff in downtown bars/restaurants. 70 staff were trained.
- Spring 2024 Update: Two bars/restaurants and 61 individuals were trained.
Convene a summit with school district leaders, state legislators, and foundations to identify strategies/resources for strengthening healthy relationship education in middle & high schools to increase prevention education prior to enrollment at Iowa (A,B)
- Fall 2021 Update: A partnership with Iowa Center for School Mental Health has been established to develop content and resources for K-12 educators about healthy relationships
- Spring 2022 Update: Partnering with the Iowa School for Mental Health to create professional development opportunities to support K-12 educators in teaching healthy relationships and boundaries to students.
- Spring 2023 Update: Held preliminary conversations with College of Education faculty to identify school district leaders, legislators, and representatives from foundations to invite for best impact. Target convening date for late fall 2023. View the final report.
Develop and implement screening of potential new faculty hires for previous history of sexual misconduct.
- Spring 2023 Update: The policy has been added to the Operations Manual.
Goal: Develop, integrate, and evaluate inclusive, trauma-informed, person-centered interventions for all those impacted by sexual misconduct, dating violence, and stalking, fairly and equitably.
Strategies, Tactics and Updates
Increase students’ knowledge around where to get help and where to report sexual misconduct. (2a, 2b, 3, 10, E)
- Create a “How to Help a Friend” video series on digital technology harassment.
- Spring 2022 Update: Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct (SACSM) members developed a script and filming plan for a new video that addresses digital technology harassment. Actors have been recruited, and filming is planned for August 2022.
- Fall 2022 Update: A new video script for the series has been drafted focusing on digital sexual harassment.
- Spring 2024 Update: A video about digital technology harassment was filmed and edited for distribution in Fall 2024.
- Help students recognize behaviors that could constitute stalking and resources available to them if stalking occurs, including confidential safety planning tools.
- Create a short video to increase the successful linkage of victim/survivors with a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE).
- Spring 2023 Update: Video is complete shared with Anti-Violence Coalition members, and included on various websites.
Enhance students’ understanding of the role of Title IX support measures including academic and other accommodations (7).
- Spring 2023 Update: Created the “How to Report” video that includes information on academic and other accommodations. This video will be shared with campus via social media and other communication methods on a regular basis.
Increase the accessibility of resources around where to get help and where to report sexual misconduct. (10, E)
- Enhance access to resources and services for international students.
- Share information on sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and stalking resources during international student orientation.
- Spring 2022 Update: WRAC, RVAP, Monsoon, and Nisaa created a healthy relationships workshop for international students to be implemented in August 2022.
- Fall 2022 Update: WRAC, RVAP, Monsoon, Nisaa facilitated a healthy relationships workshop during undergraduate orientation and graduate/professional orientation in August. Additional information on healthy relationships was included in the new student materials and resources in ICON.
- Promote the “How to Help a Friend” message, given that climate survey data indicates students are most likely to disclose to a peer.
- Fall 2022 Update: International Programs sent a message promoting “How to Help a Friend” to all international students in November.
- Work with International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS), RVAP, Nisaa, and Monsoon to host a healthy relationships workshop.
- Work with ISSS to provide ongoing education and training on interpersonal violence prevention to ISSS students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
- Work with ISSS, our culturally-specific victim service agencies, and Student Legal Services to inform campus members about applying for a new visa under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) for crime victims.
- Fall 2023 Update: A resource was created in collaboration with the Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice to clarify immigration options for individuals who are victims of crime. The Iowa Migrant Movement for Justice also provided training for the Anti-Violence Coalition.
- Share information on sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and stalking resources during international student orientation.
- Assess the readability of resources (including the website and print publications) to increase access to resources.
- Fall 2023 Update: An analysis of readability was conducted of the current Title IX- Gender Equity website and resource materials. Recommendations were made for language modification and simplification, including examples of similar resources from other higher education institutions.
Create educational opportunities for students to practice how to respond to disclosures of sexual misconduct. (10)
- Promote the Hawkeye Allies program and the RVAP Responding to Disclosure training
- Continue the relationship with Residence Education and the Hawk Talk program to help students learn where to get help and where to report.
- Spring 2022 Update: For the 4th year, Hawk Talks were conducted between Residence Hall Assistants (RA's) and students to discuss how they would help a friend who may have experienced sexual misconduct, awareness of resources, and the role of the Title IX-Gender Equity office. A report will be published in the fall 2022.
- Research vended products, like Kognito, and/or other online on-demand resources for responding to disclosures.
- Spring 2023 Update: Kognito content was reviewed as a potential option for training on responding to disclosures.
Create a plan to utilize social media and other information technology, such as apps, to raise awareness of interpersonal violence and provide resources. (2a, 2b, 9, 10, C)
- Partner with Undergraduate Student Government, Graduate, and Professional Student Government, and the Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct to craft social media messages that ensure student voices and experiences are reflected.
- Fall 2021 Update: A workgroup comprised of members of the Anti-Violence Coalition and Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct (SACSM), and co-chaired by Charlie Taylor, Director of Communications (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and Teri Schnelle, Director of Projects and Partnerships (Division of Student Life), is charged with preparing a communication plan to share key messaging around interpersonal violence prevention and resources. Deliverables are due in March 2022.
- Spring 2022 Update: Key messaging around interpersonal violence prevention and resources was created and shared with various student groups for feedback. Final messaging has been created, and a final report will be submitted in August 2022.
- Fall 2022 Update: A video on boundaries with an accompanying infographic has been created and shared with campus. The video was shared on Instagram Stories on the main @uiowa channel and was viewed roughly 10,000 times. It is now in the @uiowa highlights section of the Instagram channel.
- Fall 2022 Update: A video on how to report and video on how to get help were also created and will be shared via social media in spring 2023.
- How to get help:
- How to report:
- Include a banner or regularly occurring news item in ICON that reinforces our messaging (we care about harm and want to address it) and just-in-time resources.
- Spring 2023: Three ICON messages, with links to informational videos about confidential resources, relationship boundaries, and how to help a friend, were developed. These will be posted in September, January, and April starting in the 2023-2024 academic year.
- Review, assess, and promote Hawk Tools app to provide an accessible mobile resource for students to help them navigate the process and resources for sexual misconduct on campus.
- Spring 2022 Update: A P3 Project to create a new University of Iowa mobile app was approved. The P3 Project Team lead is aware of this Anti-Violence Plan strategy.
Enhance the career readiness education created in previous plan to help professional students in clinic or practicum build skills to respond when they experience unwanted behaviors from patients, clients, and customers.
- Updates coming soon
Create a video series of messages for parents/families about sexual misconduct policies, procedures, resources, and how to respond to a disclosure. (10, E)
- Spring 2023: Convened a working group that met throughout the spring semester, received significant input, and collected suggestions for resources from working group members.
- Spring 2024 Update: A script, “Navigating University Complaints: A Guide for Parents and Families” was created in spring 2024. Filming will occur in fall 2024.
Enhance cross-training and collaboration with those involved in the response and adjudication process. (9, A, B, C, E)
- Provide cross-training with victim service agencies, law enforcement, the County Attorney, grievance pool staff, threat assessment program, and sexual misconduct response coordinators to ensure complainants and respondents have adequate support throughout the response and resolution process.
- Spring 2022 Update: A training plan for the Anti-Violence Coalition has been outlined for 2022-2023. A faculty member is working with the OVW project director to plan an annual cross-training for implementation in fall 2022.
- Fall 2022 Update: Three educational in-services for the Anti-Violence Coalition and other partners were held in fall 2022. Sessions were offered separately from the Anti-Violence Coalition meetings to delve more deeply into educational topics that impact the work of the Coalition and its partners. Program topics included reviewing the University of Iowa CERB program for individuals found responsible in sexual misconduct cases, how to recognize and respond to dating and domestic violence cases, and preventing gender bias in law enforcement response to dating and domestic violence cases.
- Fall 2022 Update: A faculty member in the School of Social Work created three asynchronous training modules for use by the Anti-Violence Coalition. Scripts and presentations are completed, and filming is in progress.
- Spring 2023 Update: Three asynchronous trainings were created for use by the Anti-Violence Coalition.
- Spring 2023 Update: Four in-service education programs were hosted by the Anti-Violence Coalition, including topics about engaging men in violence prevention work, understanding the role of the sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE), understanding the role of trauma-informed care in responding to survivors, and campus progress toward alcohol harm reduction and anti-violence work.
- Spring 2024 Update: A goal of the University of Iowa Office on Violence Against Women Campus Grant was to conduct cross-training between university and community partners who respond to sexual misconduct. A cross-training opportunity was provided in spring 2024 to increase understanding of the roles and responsibilities of different departments/agencies and strengthen our coordinated community response team.
- Appoint a Department of Public Safety officer to follow up on dating/domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault cases to inform crime victims about the services the UI Police Department could provide them and the community-based resources available.
- Spring 2022 Update: An officer has been assigned to follow up on dating/domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault cases. This assignment has been outlined and is included in the officer's employment record.
- Develop a sustainable sexual misconduct training program for campus law enforcement.
- Fall 2021 Update: A working group comprised of members of the Anti-Violence Coalition and the Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct (SACSM) were charged with outlining requirements for a vended product to train all officers in the Department of Public Safety in gender-based violence issues and how to respond.
- Spring 2022 Update: The work group reviewed vended products/training available and determined that experts should create initial training for officers at the institution. Learning outcomes were outlined, and content was drafted. The next steps are to vet content with stakeholders.
- Spring 2023 Update: The training video was approved by the Office on Violence Against Women.
- Spring 2024 Update: The final video was approved by the Office on Violence Against Women. This training has been integrated into new officer orientation and will serve as a refresher for current officers.
- Provide cross-training through the AVC on the role of a SANE exam and how to refer a student.
- Fall 2022 Update: A video script outlining an exam by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner has been created and approved by the Office on Violence Against Women. Filming is in progress.
- Spring 2023 Update: A video outlining an exam by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner was created and shared, along with a more extensive training, during an Anti-Violence Coalition in-service.
- Promote trauma-informed approaches within response and adjudication processes by sharing training resources, response materials, and case consultation.
- Create resources for supervisors, advisors, and administrators to assist in managing their responsibilities when a complaint has been filed.
- Spring 2023 Update: A work group has been charged with creating a resource for supervisors, advisors, and administrators. The work group will convene in summer 2023.
Explore additional ways to issue safety alerts to campus when Clery notifications are not warranted. (9, 10, E)
- Fall 2021 Update: A workgroup comprised of members of the Anti-Violence Coalition and the Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct (SACSM) created a new campus safety alert (Clery notification) to clarify messaging connect recipients with resources, and improve the message aesthetics.
- Spring 2022 Update: Work group updated Clery notification design and solicited feedback from stakeholders on the new design. New, streamlined design has been implemented.
Enhance law enforcement and other system responders’ collaboration and training to support increased apprehension, investigation, and adjudication of sexual misconduct that violates legal statutes and university policy. (3, 4, 5, 9, E)
- Work with Threat Assessment Program and other system responders to enhance safety planning tools.
- Partner with the Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP), the Iowa City Police Department, and the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to use a lethality assessment in domestic/dating violence cases.
- Spring 2023 Update: Train the trainer was provided in May 2023. Those involved in the training included the Domestic Violence Intervention Program, the University of Iowa Police Department, the Johnson County Attorney’s Office, the Iowa City Police Department, Coralville Police Department, and the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office.
- Fall 2023 Update: ODARA training was provided to the Anti-Violence Coalition and invited partners from DVIP, Monsoon, Nisaa, and the Johnson County Attorney’s Office.
- Assist the Johnson County Attorney’s Office with revising the county adult sex crime investigation guidelines manual.
- Spring 2022 Update: A working group of the Johnson County Sexual Assault Response Team met throughout the spring semester to update the guidelines. The Law Enforcement Guidelines for Adult Sexual Abuse Investigations have been updated.
Support a holistic support system for students by aligning with the Reimagining Campus Safety recommendations, partnering with health and well-being service providers, and promoting culturally-based services. (7, A, B, E)
- Collaborate with culturally-based services to provide support groups and access to advocacy within the cultural centers.
- Spring 2022 Update: Final contracts through the Office on Violence Against Women grant were approved with Monsoon, Nisaa, and DVIP in spring 2022. Planning for healing circles and other outreach happening through summer 2022 for implementation in the 2022-2023 academic year.
- Fall 2022 Update: Two healing circles were facilitated by Monsoon Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity in partnership with the Asian Pacific American Cultural Center and Pride Alliance Center.
- Fall 2022 Update: One healing circle was facilitated by Nisaa African Family Service in partnership with the Afro House.
- Collaborate with culturally-based services to train cultural center staff on responding to disclosures.
- Fall 2022 Update: Training on responding to disclosures and reporting sexual misconduct was provided to the professional staff and student employees at Afro House, Asian Pacific American Cultural Center, the Latino Native American Cultural Center, and International Student Support and Engagement.
Assess the entire campus community’s experiences with sexual misconduct and utilize qualitative and quantitative data to create interventions. (8, 9, C)
- Identify an instrument, outline the methodology, and implement an employee survey on sexual harassment.
- Fall 2022 Update: Discussed the employee survey with the Associate Provost for Faculty, Chief Human Resources Officer, Executive Officer & Associate Vice President, Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Director of Cultural Engagement and Analytics. Consulted with the Iowa Social Science Research Center on survey methodology and budget.
- Fall 2023 Update: Charged a committee with selecting and administering an employee survey in the spring of 2024.
- Utilize technological tools such as SenseMaker to gather qualitative data through micro-stories from students, faculty, and staff to understand the campus community’s experiences with sexual misconduct, including barriers to affirmative consent. Use the data to identify problem areas/concerns on campus and tailor resources to different student, faculty, and staff groups.
- Develop and implement an assessment tool to gather feedback from parties involved in the complaint and resolution process for sexual harassment and sexual misconduct to ensure concerns are addressed.
- Fall 2022 Update: A survey was developed and edited by the TIXGE and assessment staff. A procedure for monitoring survey responses and reporting aggregate data was implemented.
- Review complaint resolution process to identify needs related to reducing the length of the resolution process.
Partner with Faculty Senate & Staff Council to develop a just-in-time resource for faculty/staff to increase their knowledge of where to report and get help and to respond to students and colleagues disclosures of sexual harassment or misconduct. (1a, 1b)
- Updates coming soon
Promote help-seeking behavior by educating students about the university’s amnesty policy. (9)
- Partner with the Office of the Dean of Students to information about alternative ambulance and transport options for students.
- Spring 2023 Update: Completed an examination of the current amnesty policy and drafted suggested changes. We will Partner with the Office of the Dean of Students on the next steps in summer 2023.
Develop and implement restorative practices and principles to address sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. (9)
- Increase campus readiness for restorative practices through knowledge and skill building.
- Spring 2022 Update: A two-day training on the fundamentals of restorative justice and the principal skills to conduct student disciplinary meetings in a restorative way was hosted in July 2022. This training was sponsored by the Anti-Violence Coalition and facilitated by the Office of Student Accountability.
- Offer a first-year seminar to increase knowledge and understanding of restorative justice and practices.
Goal: Consistently review and revise policies to ensure they are clear, fair, and effective at addressing harm, holding offenders accountable, and keeping the campus community safe.
Strategies, Tactics and Updates
Enhance campus readiness by reviewing and revising the University of Iowa stalking policy. (3, E)
- Fall 2022 Update: Violence Policy was updated to align stalking definition and prohibited conduct description with Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Align the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy with other community policies to eliminate inconsistencies when responding to sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. (9, A)
- Fall 2022 Update: Violence Policy was updated to align stalking definition and prohibited conduct description with Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy. Code of Student Life was updated to align with Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Review the Department of Public Safety policies and protocols related to its response to cases involving sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking to ensure a consistent, trauma-informed response. (9, E)
- Spring 2024 Update: Campus Safety reviewed its policies and protocols to ensure they align with the updated Johnson County Law Enforcement Guidelines for Adult Sexual Abuse Investigations
Convene a committee to review and recommend possible changes to the Consensual Relationships Involving Students Policy.
- Spring 2023 Update: The working group met throughout spring 2023. The working group reviewed peer institutions, met with student stakeholder groups, and surveyed faculty on their opinions on the policy.
- Fall 2023 Update: The committee completed its review and submitted a final report with recommendations to university administration.
Enhance methods to share Title IX and Gender Equity annual report to continue to ensure transparency of the response and adjudication process. (9)
- Fall 2022 Updates: TIXGE/OIE submitted RFP 17955 for case management software. A new product is expected to strengthen the ability to produce reports in a timelier manner.
- Fall 2023 Update: Implemented Campus Kaizen’s, Guardian, a case management software with greater adaptability for reporting data to campus stakeholders.
Provide skill-building training to staff to help them refer sexual misconduct complaints to alternative dispute resolution where appropriate. (9)
- Updates coming soon
Review and revise the training for decision-makers (investigators, adjudicators, appellate officers) to ensure fairness, accountability, and safety and evaluate the training. (9, E)
- Spring 2023 Update: Four in-service education programs were hosted by the Anti-Violence Coalition.
- Spring 2024 Update: Two training modules for decision-makers were reviewed and updated.
Expand the Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Adaptable Resolution option to include restorative practices and principles. (9)
- Updates coming soon
Develop an MOU with the joint internet crime consortium of the Sheriff’s Office, Iowa City Police Department, & UI Department of Public Safety to explore timeliness of IT Security forensics work, & ensure resources and procedures are clear. (2a, 2b, 9, E)
- Spring 2022 Update: Moving forward with outlining an MOU to utilize the Joint Forensic Analysis Cyber Team for administrative cases.
- Fall 2022 Update: The Department of Public Safety Joint Forensic Analysis Cyber Team (J-FACT) MOU was signed by the Department of Public Safety and Title IX and Gender Equity.
Provide educational resources for students on when and how sanctions for sexual misconduct are imposed and by whom to increase understanding of how those who committed harm are held accountable. (9, 10, E)
- Updates coming soon
- Centers for Disease Control. (2016). STOP SV: A technical package to prevent sexual violence. Atlanta, GA. Retrieved from
- Centers for Disease Control. (2017). Preventing intimate partner violence across the lifespan: A technical package of programs, policies, and practices. Atlanta, GA. Retrieved from
- Centers for Disease Control. (2016). Preventing Multiple Forms of Violence: A Strategic Vision for Connecting the Dots. Atlanta, GA. Retrieved from
- Swartout, K. M., Wood, L., & Busch-Armendariz, N. (2020). Responding to campus climate data: Developing an action plan to reduce campus sexual misconduct. Health Education & Behavior. 47, 70-74.
- Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women Campus Program Grant.