Tiffini Stevenson Earl

Senior Director and ADA coordinator
Office of Civil Rights Compliance
The University of Iowa
202 Jessup Hall (JH)
Iowa City, IA 52242
For ADA concerns:ocrc-disability@uiowa.edu
For concerns of bias, discrimination, or hate: ocrc-discrimination@uiowa.edu


Report a Problem

Whether a barrier or concern, please report ADA related problems to the Office of Civil Rights Compliance and ADA Coordinator TIffini Stevenson Earl.


Public entities with 50 or more employees are required to designate at least one responsible employee to coordinate ADA compliance.  The ADA Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the government entity to comply with Title II and investigating any complaints that the entity has violated Title II. At the University of Iowa, the person filling the role of ADA Coordinator is the senior director and ADA coordinator in the Office of Civil Rights Compliance.

ADA Accommodation Appeals

Students, staff, and faculty may appeal an accommodation denial or modification to the ADA Coordinator. Please contact the University’s ADA Coordinator at 319-335-0705 or ocrc-disability@uiowa.edu.

University of Iowa ADA Coordinator

 The ADA Coordinator has a variety of responsibilities on campus, including:

  • Being responsible for assuring the university’s compliance with the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act (including the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and other federal and state laws and regulations pertaining to persons with disabilities.)
  • Guiding the university’s efforts to move beyond compliance toward seamless access. As the university’s focal point for disability-related initiatives, the ADA Coordinator collaborates with university offices and administrators, governmental agencies, and advocacy groups to inform decision-making and ensure university compliance with state and federal mandates.
  • Being a referral point for disability-related information, services, and resources; providing consultation on policy reviews and facilities planning; conducting workshops and training on disability-related topics; serving as a clearing house for disability-related complaints; and developing disability-related initiatives.
  • Serving as the principal planning coordinator for university programs, policies, and procedures relating to university compliance and promoting university opportunities for persons with disabilities.
  • Ensuring that appropriate processes are in place to promptly and equitably resolve complaints and inquiries from university employees, students, and the public regarding compliance with the ADA and other applicable federal and state laws regarding discrimination based on disability.
  • Making determinations regarding allegations of discrimination and non-compliance under the ADA and other applicable federal and state laws regarding discrimination based on disability.
  • Ensuring that university-related information is readily available on services, accommodations, policies, and demographics relating to persons with disabilities.