COS Pen Pal Program
Pen Pal Program
Tel: 319-335-3555
Fax: 319-353-2537
2750 University Capitol Centre
200 S Clinton St
Iowa City, IA 52242
Hours: M-F 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Karla Madrigal, Academic Coach
Inspire an Elementary Student: Join the Pen Pal Program
The Center for Inclusive Academic Excellence (CIAE) Pen Pal Program is a partnership between the CIAE and West Liberty Elementary School.
This project matches current UI students with 4th graders from West Liberty Elementary based on shared interests and the future plans of the elementary students. Through the exchange of letters and one campus visit in the spring, these
students will have an opportunity to connect with a role model and begin thinking about their interests and passions
Pen Pal Program Goals:
- Promote positive self-esteem for grade school students
- Increasing grade school students' motivation for academic success and interest in college
- Encouraging student to practice and feel confident in their writing skills
- Provides all program participants with a greater understanding and appreciation of diversity
- Help the University of Iowa become more responsive to the needs of the Pen Pal participant communities
Benefits of Participating:
Your dedicated commitment to volunteering with the Pen Pal Program will have
many benefits, such as:
- Making a valuable contribution to a student's learning
- Being a positive role model for a grade school student
- Advancing the K-12 pipeline
Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Pen Pal Coordinator, Karla Madrigal via email at
If you are a registered student at the University of Iowa, you are eligible to volunteer in the Pen Pal program.
How to Apply/Enroll
The Pen Pal Program is currently on hold.