The University of Iowa Anti-Violence Plan for sexual misconduct, dating violence, and stalking

The University of Iowa has a committed team working to prevent sexual misconduct, dating violence, and stalking; provide support to survivors; ensure a fair process; and hold offenders accountable—and the Six Point Plan to Combat Sexual Assault and the first iteration of the University of Iowa Anti-Violence Plan have been closed out.

It’s on all of us to continue this important work, so the new three-year Anti-Violence Plan for sexual misconduct, dating violence, and stalking includes new action items, as well as four items carried over from the previous plan. It focuses on prevention and education, intervention, and policy, and it’s influenced by responses to the second iteration of the Speak Out Iowa campus climate survey (noted by numbers), evidence-informed efforts and practices (noted by letters), and input from members of the University of Iowa Anti-Violence Coalition (AVC), survivors, and stakeholders.

Prevention and Education

Goal: Engage the campus community in ongoing prevention and education efforts to involve all students, faculty, and staff in creating a safe and respectful environment. This work is guided by the UI Comprehensive Education Model.

Strategies, Tactics and Updates

1. Expand student prevention and education so every student develops the knowledge and skills to engage in healthy relationships, serve as active bystanders, respond effectively to disclosures, and report problems (1, 2, 3, 14, B, J, L):
  • Updating the Education and Training Database to collect attendance data for individual student participants and to report on how attendance works towards meeting the university’s Gender-Based Violence Prevention Learning Outcomes
  • Identifying opportunities for expanding education in the second semester and second year through increasing collaboration with campus partners
  • Collaborating with Residence Education to integrate gender-based violence prevention topics and strategies into the residential curriculum of undergraduate first-year students
  • Exploring the creation of a career readiness workshop for students about sexual harassment prevention in the workplace
  • Exploring the development of a for-credit course emphasizing primary prevention that targets first- and second-year students
  • Expanding messaging campaigns across campus, coordinated through the Campus Education Subcommittee
  • Reviewing the online programs used for educating incoming students and making a recommendation to continue with the current program or to switch to a new vendor
  • Providing tools for parents to use in conversations with their students about healthy relationships, consent, and the use of alcohol
  • Fall 2018: Implemented Swipe tracking software in high-traffic programming areas, including Student Wellness, Residence Life, Women's Resource & Action Center, and RVAP.
  • Fall 2018: Outlined requirements and business rules for a dashboard to connect attendance information to demographics. 
  • Fall 2018: Working with the Office of Teaching, Learning, & Technology to resolve technical issues for the review of the online program.
  • Spring 2019: Worked with stakeholders to test updated dashboard that connects attendance information to demographics using swipe technology.
  • Spring 2019: Continued collaboration with the Business Intelligence Shared Service Center to expand data points including courses and additional demographics.
  • Spring 2019: Added two gender-based violence questions to spring Hawk Talks, in which resident assistants speak with each resident (new and returning students). Data from over 4,550 individual Hawk Talks will be analyzed regarding student’s ability to respond compassionately to disclosures and understand resources during summer 2019.
  • Spring 2019: Internship provider group worked with the Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator to create recommendations on sexual harassment prevention for students (syllabi, “Safety in Your Internship” one-pager, internship agreements) and education for employers.
  • Spring 2019: Stakeholders from ITS, Success at Iowa Course Administrator, and Online Program Administer recommended delaying the content review of the EverFi vended product until a LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) has been created to connect EverFi to ICON.
  • Spring 2019: Created a parent and family handbook, “Talking with your Student about Sexual Assault and Dating Violence” that parents and families will receive during summer orientation.
  • Spring 2020: Gender-based violence prevention goals have been added to the Interpersonal Violence Prevention Education and Training Database in order to connect attendance to goal attainment.
  • Spring 2020: A work group reviewed six different online education options available from the current online education vendor and submitted recommendations for changes to online course offerings and introduction of a new online course in the first semester of the second year. View report here Online Second Year Anti-Violence Education Report.pdf
  • Spring 2020: Hawk Talks (one-on-one student conversations) were conducted by Resident Assistants to support a friend who has experienced sexual misconduct, and use of the Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator (OSMRC) as a resource.
  • Spring 2020: A work group submitted recommendations for learning objectives for a workshop, video training options, additional resources and a communications plan for a career readiness workshop. View report here Career Readiness Work Group Report.pdf. A virtual training session was provided in February 2021. An additional market review of a new career readiness training product is necessary before purchasing a vended product.
  • Spring 2020: A work group has been charged with creating an overarching message for use across contexts and stakeholder groups that promotes a pro-social behavior that is specific to the UI campus.
  • Fall 2020: A work group has drafted an overarching message for use across contexts and stakeholder groups that promotes pro-social behavior, specific to the UI campus. View the final report. Recommendations were implemented in fall 2021.
2. Ensure campus prevention and education efforts meet the needs of racial and ethnic minority students, students with disabilities, international students, and LGBTQ communities on campus (5, 6, 7, A, C, D, I):
  • Implementing mechanisms to collect student feedback on current prevention and education efforts and developing or modifying prevention curriculum based on student input and best practices
  • Exploring modification of the Flip the Script curriculum to create a high-impact class for queer and gender non-binary students
  • Partnering with the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Faculty Senate, Staff Council, and the Office of the Provost to support programming aimed at fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment
  • Expanding the Certified Peer Educator program to enhance culturally specific representation and content
  • Fall 2018: Worked with Transformative Healing Executive Director to review the Flip the Script curriculum and develop proposed modifications. 
  • Fall 2018: Shared proposed modifications to Flip the Script with Dr. Charlene Senn, EAAA developer, for input and initial thoughts. 
  • Fall 2018: Connected with researcher at the University of Michigan who has applied for funding to do research that would inform modification of the Flip the Script curriculum. 
  • Fall 2018: Worked to ensure staff diversity is a critical component of the Certified Peer Educator hiring process. 
  • Fall 2018: Developing a plan to increase marketing for fall 2019 Certified Peer Educator hiring in order to reach a diverse group of students (spring 2019).
  • Fall 2018: Determined focus groups would be held to understand potential improvements to interpersonal violence prevention workshop curriculum. 
  • Fall 2018: Interpersonal Violence Prevention Team (WRAC/RVAP) working to schedule focus groups with student groups who have completed interpersonal violence prevention workshops to understand if workshops meet the needs of students (spring 2019).
  • Spring 2019: Created and shared preliminary report of participation in programs/activities based on demographic information with the Anti-Violence Coalition (AVC). The AVC suggested providing the report to the Campus Education Subcommittee regularly.
  • Spring 2019: Continued preliminary planning of Campus Climate student focus group research with draft IRB application.
  • Spring 2019: Met with the UI Pride House coordinator to discuss plans for meeting with the LGBTQ student leaders in the fall to recruit for first focus group sessions.
  • Spring 2019: Conducted a literature review to understand the experiences of queer and gender non-binary students as it relates to gender-based violence.
  • Spring 2019: Will hire a part-time employee to write new curriculum during summer 2019.
  • Spring 2019: Increased marketing for fall 2019 Certified Peer Educator hiring to reach a diverse group of students.
  • Spring 2019: Conducted focus groups in spring 2019 to understand potential improvements to interpersonal violence prevention workshop curriculum. Curriculum will be updated for fall 2019.
  • Fall 2019: Research and Evaluation Subcommittee of the Anti-Violence Coalition was formed and will coordinate focus groups as its first project. A pilot focus group was conducted with students with feedback reviewed and edits made to the focus group facilitator guide.  Focus groups will be held in spring 2020.
  • Fall 2019: Focus groups with various student groups will be held in a future semester, pending final IRB approval.
  • Fall 2020: Engaged a curriculum developer who created lesson plans for a queer and gender non-binary course.
3. Increase engagement of faculty and staff in creating a respectful and safe campus (2, E, J):
  • Exploring opportunities to add sexual harassment prevention content in faculty and staff on-boarding process
  • Exploring opportunities to assist supervisors in maintaining respectful environments by providing training on intervening quickly in response to sexist and crude comments in the workplace
  • Collaborating with directors of graduate programs and professional school deans to cultivate a respectful and safe environment within their department or college 
  • Expanding the Iowa Grow education for supervisors of students to include how to address disclosures and communicate expectations for digital communication connected to the workplace (messaging apps, social media, etc.)
  • Evaluating and piloting the use of new online prevention training for student employees in the Division of Student Life
  • Spring 2019: Completed literature review on use of checklists in other industries to improve critical safety systems and processes.
  • Spring 2019: Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator, Organizational Effectiveness, and the Office of the Vice President for Student Life explored how using checklists in new staff or supervisor onboarding could assist in promoting respectful workplace behavior.
  • Fall 2019: An Employee Messaging and Training Timeline was created to understand when and what messages and training employees/supervisors receive.
  • Fall 2019: Sexual misconduct scenario was included in the Advanced Management Series and will be included in future offerings of the series.
  • Fall 2019: A workshop, Promoting a Workplace Free of Harassment and Discrimination, will be included in the Supervising Today’s Student’s series.
  • Fall 2019: The Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator, Office of the Ombudsperson, Diversity Resource Unit, Threat Assessment Team, and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity collaborated to provide a workshop to 80 Human Resource Representatives.  The learning objectives included participants being able to 1) recognize a shared responsibility for a safe and respectful community; 2) understand the limitations of policies in promoting a safe and respectful community; 3) understand what a safe and respectful community looks like and existing barriers; 4) better understand HR’s role in promoting a safe and respectful community; and 5) recognizing and developing responses to behaviors that damage a safe and respectful community.
  • Fall 2019: The Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator trained 80 Human Resource Representatives on the sexual misconduct response process, building on the baseline training provided to all academic and administrative officers.  The workshop focused on the stages of the response process and the roles and responsibilities of the different offices and departments throughout the process.
  • Fall 2019: Responding to disclosures slides were included in the online Iowa GROW training module.
  • Fall 2019: A pilot of Dining student employees completed the employee Anti-Harassment Training.
  • Spring 2020: The Office of the Ombudsperson conducted a training, "Respect in the Workplace," with the Anti-Violence Coalition on cultivating respectful environments. A train-the-trainer opportunity was offered and 8 individuals were trained who can provide the "Respect in the Workplace" workshop on campus.
  • Spring 2020: All student employees in the Division of Student Life (DSL) are now required to complete the employee Anti-Harassment Training. Training to be implemented in the Division fall 2021
  • Fall 2020: A literature review was completed about respectful environments with recommendations made for potential employee programming, coaching and remediation.
  • Fall 2020: A workshop, "Promoting a Workplace Free of Harassment and Discrimination", will be included in the Supervising Today's Students series and was rescheduled for Spring 2021 due to COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Fall 2020: In the College of Medicine, there are two reporting mechanism for students to share issues and concerns. In the student handbook there is a link to a form where students can anonymously if they choose, report mistreatment they have experienced or witnessed. In this form students can indicate if they want to be contacted by a dean. A question has also been added to the course and clerkship evaluations to report mistreatment. Students can also report professionalism issues or concerns with an evidence-based professional program based on the CORS system at Vanderbilt University. 
  • Spring 2021: The Graduate College will include a session during graduate student orientation on interpersonal violence prevention.
  • Spring 2021: Content on creating respectful and safe environments will be included in faculty orientation.
4. Implement strategies to create protective environments & expand prevention messaging surrounding big events associated with alcohol consumption, including home football games and concerts/ continue community alcohol harm reduction efforts (4, G)/(4,B)
  • Offering late night programming and expanding opportunities to reach abstainers, low-risk drinkers, and high-risk drinkers
  • Assessing late night programming data to ensure events are reaching at-risk populations, including LGBTQ students
  • Continuing work with Fraternity & Sorority Life to decrease high-risk alcohol use, including sustaining the ban on hard alcohol at social events
  • Spring 2019: Campus Activities Board (CAB) partnered with Residence Education to offer consistent weekly programming in the residence halls in addition to weekly IMU programs.
  • Spring 2019: Multicultural and International Student Support & Engagement (MISSE) began late night programming in each of the four Cultural Centers.
  • Spring 2019: Fraternity & Sorority Life began late night programming targeted at Fraternity & Sorority membership.
  • Spring 2019: Recreational Services expanded hours of operation to midnight nightly and offered a “Rec After Dark” event each semester.
  • Spring 2019: Partnered with The Graduate hotel in Iowa City to host late night events in its venues and expand funding for University of Iowa student organization late night programming. Programs to begin in FY20.
  • Spring 2019: Used swipe technology to gather student attendance and demographic information and administer a brief survey to better understand who is served through late night programming efforts.
  • Spring 2019: Fraternity & Sorority Life began late night programming targeted at Fraternity & Sorority membership.
  • Spring 2019: Hard alcohol continues to be banned at registered Fraternity & Sorority Life social events.
  • Fall 2019: Coordinator for Late Night Initiatives & Assessment attended the Anti-Violence Coalition to share late night programming updates and strengthen the connection between the Anti-Violence Coalition and the Alcohol Harm Reduction Advisory Committee.
  • Spring 2020: work group submitted recommendations for policy, procedures, programs and messaging that support protective environments on campus associated with large events and alcohol use. View report here Protective Environments Work Group Final Report[1].pdf
  • Spring 2020: Division of Student Life (DSL) staff were trained to conduct listening sessions about alcohol use in sororities and fraternities. These sessions engage Fraternity & Sorority Life students in the process of alcohol harm reduction and discover collaboration strategies around increasing understanding of and participation in alcohol harm reduction efforts.
  • Fall 2020: Division of Student Life (DSL) staff conducted virtual listening sessions with sorority and fraternity members about alcohol use and its impact. These sessions engaged fraternity and sorority students in alcohol harm reduction and collaboration strategies to increase understanding of and participation in UI alcohol harm reduction efforts.
5. Expand and coordinate programming focused on mobilizing and engaging male-identified students, staff, faculty, and community partners to work as allies with all genders to create cultures of respect, free from gender-based violence (8, A, B)
  • Charging the Healthy Masculinities Task Force to:
    • Define a mission statement that targets observable outcomes geared at decreasing and ultimately ending gender-based violence
    • Host monthly discussion groups to shift social norms that define masculinity in order to promote authenticity and safety
    • Coordinate training opportunities on campus and in the community to engage men and boys in redefining masculinity and preventing gender-based violence
  • Promoting authentic masculinities discussion groups in residence halls (facilitated by Women's Resource & Action Center [WRAC] and University Counseling Services [UCS] )
  • Developing more facilitators for the Better Men. Better Hawkeyes. curriculum (facilitated by the UI Department of Safety [UIDPS])
  • Promoting the Men’s Anti-Violence Council (facilitated by WRAC)
  • Expanding men and masculinities work to include fraternity student leadership and other potential areas such as intramural clubs
  • Fall 2018: The Healthy Masculinities Task Force defined a mission statement and outlined observable metrics that focus on decreasing and ultimately ending gender-based violence.
  • Fall 2018: The Healthy Masculinities Task Force hosted three discussion groups at various locations across campus to shift social norms that define masculinity in order to promote authenticity and safety. 
  • Fall 2018: Seventeen students are working toward the Resilience and Trauma-Informed Perspectives Certificate, offered through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
  • Fall 2018: Provided training and support for Monsoon Youth Violence Prevention Program where high school students will mentor middle school students around interpersonal violence prevention and bystander intervention
  • Fall 2018: Discussion cards were provided to interested resident assistants to facilitate conversations with residents about gender norms.  
  • Fall 2018: Two focus groups were conducted by University Counseling Service and the Women's Resource & Action Center focusing on the socialization of men and how masculinity affects the college experience. 
  • Spring 2019: Men & Masculinities Coalition (new name) held three Lunch and Learn sessions.
  • Spring 2019: The Coalition sponsored the 2nd annual Men’s Summit, which included peer-led sessions for high school students.
  • Spring 2019: The Coalition is reviewing metrics from its 2018-2019 goals and establishing new goals for the next academic year related to outreach and programming.
  • Spring 2020:  What about Me(n) 2020 Summit was held on campus, which provides an opportunity for youth, parents, campus staff, faculty and community partners to engage in critical conversations and skill-building toward the mission of ending the cycle of patriarchal oppression through collaborative education and action with all genders in the university and community. View summary report here What about Men Summary.AVP_.0520.pdf
  • Spring 2020: The Men & Masculinities Coalition has revised goals for engaging stakeholders in conversations about masculinity both on campus and in the community, and expanded partnerships, including Fraternity & Sorority Life.
  • Spring 2020: Curriculum content and feasibility of continuing the Better Men Better Hawkeyes program was evaluated.
  • Fall 2020: The Men & Masculinities Coalition drafted guiding principles that focus on student development and violence prevention. These will be used to set clear expectations and a shared understanding for desired actions, attitudes and overall mindset around masculinity.
  • Spring 2021: The Men & Masculinities Coalition partnered with Fraternity and Sorority Life staff to create specific course content around healthy masculinity using a hybrid training model with a target audience of fraternity members in Fall 2021.
  • Spring 2021: Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) partnered with the Men & Masculinities Coalition to sponsor nationally known speaker, Casey Cornelius, for the virtual What about Me(n) summit. The summit will now be a speaker series moving forward.
6. Explore additional methodologies for assessing the campus climate around sexual misconduct, dating violence, and stalking (H)
  • Creating a research partnership with the SHIFT research project at Columbia University to ensure survivors’ voices continue to inform priorities and strategies on the UI campus
  • Working with the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Central Human Resources, the Office of the Provost, Faculty Senate, and Staff Council to survey employees on sexual misconduct
  • Fall 2019: A new subcommittee of the Anti-Violence Coalition, the Research and Evaluation Subcommittee, was created to engage in multidisciplinary collaboration to advance comprehensive, rigorous, assessment, evaluation, and research of the University of Iowa’s efforts to end interpersonal violence in the campus community.
  • Fall 2019: Members of the Research & Evaluation Subcommittee are collaborating with the Division of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, the Office of the Provost, and Central Human Resources on the faculty and staff climate survey.
  • Fall 2020: A subcommittee is working on the third administration of the Speak Out Iowa Campus Climate Survey. The survey was postponed from fall 2020 to spring 2021 due to COVID-19 restrictions. Changes to the survey include the addition of technology facilitated sexual harassment, students' experiences supporting a friend who has disclosed sexual misconduct to them, how sexual misconduct affects students' academic progress, and how students negotiate sexual content. Planning for an employee survey has been pushed back as a result.
  • Spring 2021: A survey for employees will be included as a strategy in the next Anti-Violence Plan.
7. Continue to advance institutional trustworthiness and transparency (11)
Strategy: Continue to advance institutional trustworthiness and transparency by developing, implementing, and evaluating programming for undergraduate students that includes explicit, active, discussion-based policy education about confidential resources, how to report, and the adjudication process (11)
  • Fall 2020: The Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) Red Zone workshop was offered to the leadership of each FSL organization and was facilitated by the Fraternity and Sorority Life, the Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator, and the Office of Student Accountability.


Goal: Develop, integrate, and evaluate inclusive, trauma-informed, person-centered interventions for all those impacted by sexual misconduct, dating violence, and stalking, in a fair and equitable manner.

Strategies, Tactics and Updates

1. Increase knowledge of how to get help and where to report (9, 10, 11, A, F, K)
  • Developing, integrating, and evaluation training for students on responding to disclosures of sexual violence, mental health, and bias
  • Implementing modules on responding to disclosures as part of new employee sexual harassment training
  • Ensuring educational curriculum provides knowledge and information regarding campus and community resources available to the reporting party
  • Increasing messaging to parents about policies, procedures, resources, and how to respond to a disclosure (carried over from 2016 plan)
  • Working with the Office of the Provost to develop suggested language for class syllabi on campus resources and accommodations
  • Spring 2019: The Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct (SACSM) created a video series, “How to Help a Friend.” The first video in the series provides tips and resources on how to respond to a friend/peer who discloses an experience with sexual misconduct and the second video outlines confidential on and off campus resources.
  • Fall 2019: The Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator is worked with Leadership, Service, and Civic Engagement to include content student organization training on reporting sexual misconduct and supporting victims/survivors.
  • Fall 2019: Content on how to report sexual misconduct and how respond to a disclosure was included in a new student organization training on alcohol harm reduction.
  • Fall 2019: A letter outlining how to respond to a disclosure of sexual misconduct, along with a hard copy of the Resource and Referral Guide, was sent to all student employee supervisors in spring 2020.
  • Fall 2019: The Campus Education Subcommittee has selected the strategy, "ensuring educational curriculum provides knowledge and information regarding campus and community resources available to the reporting party" for one of its goals for 2019-2020. 
  • Fall 2019: Recorded a Safety at Iowa podcast for the UI Parent and Family Network Podcast.
  • Fall 2019: Syllabi Language.pdf was approved by the Dean’s Council and the Office of the Provost.
  • Fall 2020: Updated Syllabi Language.pdf was approved by the Office of the Provost.
  • Spring 2020: The second and third videos in the student-led "How to Help a Friend" video series were completed, focusing on confidential resources and how to help a friend who has experienced stalking and where to report.
  • Spring 2020: A campus and communities resource list CES Resource List May 2020.pdf was developed and the final version reviewed by the Campus Education Subcommittee for distribution beginning in the summer or fall 2020.
  • Fall 2020: A script for the fourth video in the student-led "How to Help a Friend" video series was drafted, focusing on how to help a friend who has experienced sexual exploitation in a virtual situation. The video will be filmed in fall 2021. 
2. Expand collaboration to promote trauma-informed approaches (10, A)
  • Exploring opportunities to incorporate trauma screening into clinical health practice, health promotion consultations, and the Health Risk Assessment through Student Health & Wellness
  • Promoting the new proposed credit-bearing UI Trauma & Resiliency Certificate to students serving as peer leaders or advocates
  • Creating non-credit-bearing professional development opportunities on trauma-informed response for staff and faculty members
  • Promoting co-curricular partnerships between UI Trauma & Resiliency Certificate instructors and Anti-Violence Coalition member organizations to create high impact service-learning opportunities that prepare students to be experts in their disciplines and leaders in their fields
  • Ensuring facilitators of the Collegiate Recovery Program are trained in trauma-informed care
  • Spring 2019: Educated Anti-Violence Coalition members about the new UI Trauma & Resiliency Certificate and asked them to promote the certificate within their departments and organizations.
  • Spring 2019: Developed revised promotional materials for the UI Trauma & Resiliency Certificate, which will be disseminated at events, through the Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator and via UI websites.
  • Fall 2019: Anti-Violence Coalition members received information about the required field experience for students in the Trauma-Informed Certificate program.  Members were encouraged to contact the field experience coordinator if they were able to host students in the spring semester.
  • Fall 2020: Awarded Department of Justice grant for funding period 2020-2023. Project includes an objective to incorporate trauma screening into clinical health practice, health promotions consultations, and the Health Risk Assessment. It also includes an objective to train Collegiate Recovery Program facilitators in trauma-informed care.
  • Fall 2020: Building University of Iowa Leadership for Diversity (BUILD) Certificate program for faculty and staff includes the workshop series: The Culture Behind Sexual Assault, Replacing Rape Culture, and Consent Culture. These are part of the Advocating for Safer Communities (ASC) certificate program.
3. Build capacity for RVAP to develop, implement, and evaluate a student peer advocacy program that fosters trauma recovery and healing (B)
  • Fall 2018: Worked with UI School of Social Work students, who collected survey data from 127 undergraduate students regarding their feelings of preparedness to respond to a peer disclosure.
  • Fall 2018: Surveyed colleges and universities throughout the country to learn which schools have similar programs and ways that these programs are structured and sustained.
  • Fall 2018: Worked with University Counseling Service to ensure that the peer advocate program complements the Hawkeye Allies program in residence halls.
  • Spring 2019: Conducted student focus groups to incorporate student feedback on program structure.
  • Spring 2020: A for-credit course, "Selected Aspects of Social Work and Social Welfare: Responding to Sexual Violence," for undergraduate students in any major has been developed and was offered in fall 2020. The course syllabus and content outline were reviewed by the Anti-Violence Coalition. Students who complete the course may serve in a student advisory role in the Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP) and the course will be added to the Trauma Informed Certificate offerings.
4. Ensure campus intervention efforts meet the needs of racial and ethnic minority students, students with disabilities, international students, and LGBTQ communities on campus (5, 6, 7, A, J)
  • Implementing mechanisms to collect student feedback on current campus intervention efforts
  • Developing non-traditional support groups to reach racial/ethnic minority communities and LGBTQ communities on campus
  • Collecting data from direct service providers and reporting offices on the race/ethnicity and sexual orientation of reporting parties to ensure we are reaching all populations
  • Researching and evaluating community policing strategies and incorporating them to create a blueprint to assist UI Police liaison officers in increasing communication and outreach between law enforcement and UI community members, especially UI Police liaisons to groups that were identified as higher risk in the campus climate survey
  • Expanding training for decision makers and judicial administrators on working with all student populations
  • Exploring partnering with cultural centers' staff to develop and provide training on responding to disclosures
  • Strengthening the visibility of culturally specific services (Monsoon Asians and Pacific Islanders in Solidarity, Nisaa African Family Services, and Transformative Healing) on campus
  • Spring 2020: Nisaa staff provided education to the Anti-Violence Coalition and conducted an small group education session at the 2020 What about Me(n) Summit.
  • Fall 2020: Awarded Department of Justice grant for funding period 2020-2023. Project includes community-based culturally specific agencies collaborating with the campus cultural centers to provide a support group and access to advocacy and programming to reach racial/ethnic minority communities and LGBTQ communities on campus.
  • Fall 2020: Decision makers and judicial administrators completed an 8-hour Husch Blackwell training based on the new Title IX regulation requirements. The training addressed how to serve impartially including avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias.
  • Fall 2020: Three training sessions on responding to disclosures were completed for student staff and professional staff in the cultural and resource centers.
  • Spring 2021: Race and ethnicity were added to Moxie, the Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator (OSMRC) database. The 2020 OSMRC Annual Report will provide case and outcome data disaggregating by race and ethnicity.
  • Spring 2021: Five UIPD officers are engaged in renewed community outreach efforts. Short term goals include collaboration with Latino/x Men & Masculinities work, the Office of Multicultural and International Student Support (MISSE), the African American Council, and the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  • Spring 2021: UIPD is in the process of creating culturally responsive educational opportunities in response to the needs of marginalized communities. All officers have been trained in Fair and Impartial Policing, and UIPD is creating booster training to be provided annually.
  • Spring 2021: Training priorities shifted due to new Title IX Regulation and state law. Training outline documented on this OSMRC website. All decision-makers trained to meet regulatory requirements.
5. Work with the assessment coordinator in the Office of the Vice President for Student Life to develop learning outcomes for training for campus decision-makers and judicial administrators (A)
  • Fall 2020: Training based on outcomes outlined by the Department of Education was provided by Husch Blackwell for campus decision-makers and judicial administrators.
  • Fall 2020: Awarded Department of Justice grant for funding period 2020-2023. Project includes an objective to support training of campus decision-makers and judicial administrators.
6. Ensure campus intervention efforts meet the needs of male-identified students, faculty, and staff who have experienced sexual misconduct (1, 3)
  • Developing and implementing training curricula for students, faculty, and staff to effectively respond to disclosures from and support male-identified survivors of sexual misconduct
  • Providing trauma-informed support groups for male-identified survivors of sexual misconduct
  • Fall 2020: The Director of the Rape Victim Advocacy Program (RVAP), Adam Robinson, provided a training session for the Anti-Violence Coalition during the November meeting on effectively responding to disclosures from and supporting male-identified survivors of sexual misconduct.
  • Fall 2020: Male survivors groups were offered by RVAP in spring 2020, support groups were put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic and will be revisited in the future.
7. Explore additional methodologies for evaluating campus intervention efforts (H)
  • Developing a conceptual framework and research design to study the experiences of complainants and respondents involved in the sexual misconduct reporting and adjudication process
  • Fall 2019: The Associate Director for Assessment, Improvement, and Research has drafted potential questions to assess the process.
  • Spring 2020: The Office of Assessment, Improvement, and Research worked with the Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator to draft an assessment, which will be shared with stakeholders for feedback.
8. Increase training for senior human resource representatives and associate deans on how to have effective conversations that motivate behavioral change when facilitating an informal sexual harassment resolution
  • Fall 2020: OSMRC developed talking points for facilitating coaching conversations with respondents.
  • Fall 2020: A web-based form was developed to document coaching conversations
  • Spring 2021: Developed a web form to document coaching conversations. 
  • Spring 2021: Completed a literature review on workplace interventions for people found responsible for sexual harassment/ misconduct.
9. Engage with community partners to ensure coordinated responses by establishing a memorandum of understanding with local law enforcement agencies to complement the county guidelines for investigating sex crimes
  • Fall 2020: Awarded Department of Justice grant for funding period 2020-2023. Project includes working with the County Attorney, law enforcement agencies and other community partners to update the Johnson County Guidelines for Investigating Sex Crimes. This document includes a provision about cooperation between those conducting administrative and criminal investigations.


Goal: Review and revise policies on a consistent basis to ensure they are clear, fair, and effective at holding offenders accountable and keeping the campus community safe.

Strategies, Tactics and Updates

1. Identify and utilize a variety of mechanisms to collect campus feedback to inform policy review and revision, including working with the Student Advisory Committee on Sexual Misconduct and others (J)
  • Fall 2020: Office of Assessment, Improvement and Research, in partnership with OSMRC, created a feedback mechanism using Qualtrics survey software.
  • Fall 2020: A policy feedback form was added to the OSRMC website so community members can provide feedback at any time.
2. Develop and implement an informal resolution option for addressing reports of non-criminal sexual misconduct
Strategy: Develop and implement an informal resolution option for addressing reports of non-criminal sexual misconduct involving students that is evidence- and trauma-informed, used at the request of the reporting party, and adherent to appropriate standards for due process (M)
  • Explore student resolution options through a transformative justice framework
  • Spring 2019: Two staff members from the Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator and one staff member from the Office of Student Accountability attended a training on restorative justice.
  • Spring 2019: One staff member from the Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator will receive training to become a certified mediator.
  • Spring 2019: Two campus team members attended the 2019 NASPA Strategies Conference session on restorative justice.
  • Spring 2019: Title IX Coordinator attended the 2018 ATIXA Annual Conference sessions on applying alternative dispute resolution and restorative justice methods to sex-based discrimination cases.
  • Spring 2019: Office of the Dean of Students established a committee to review student misconduct procedure.
  • Fall 2019: A practicum student in the Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator conducted a review of University of Iowa peer institutions.
  • Fall 2019: Waiting on the new Title IX regulations, to be released in spring 2020.
  • Fall 2019: OSMRC staff member attended a three day training, “Training in Restorative Justice for College Student Misconduct and Residential Life,” facilitated by the University of San Diego Center for Restorative Justice and hosted by the American College Personnel Association.
  • Spring 2020: An OSMRC staff member provided an introduction to restorative justice for the Anti-Violence Coalition. This presentation provided the Coalition with a shared language for student resolution options through a transformative justice framework.
  • Spring 2020: New Title IX regulations were released in May 2020. A Title IX Review Team has been formed to review the new regulations and develop a plan for policy changes. 
  • Fall 2020: Adaptable resolution is now a part of the Interim Sexual Harassment & Sexual Misconduct Policy. More options will be added during and after the interim period.
3. Review the process for informal resolutions under all UI community policies (L, M)
  • Promote a shared understanding as to the scope, purpose, and terminology
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory considerations (i.e., privacy, due process, etc.)
  • Align with best practice and evidence-based interventions
  • Ensure diligence about the timeline and updating both parties on progress of resolution
  • Fall 2019: Waiting on the new Title IX regulations, to be released in spring 2020.
  • Spring 2020: New Title IX regulations were released May 2020. A Title IX Review Team has been formed to review the new regulations and develop a plan for policy change.
  • Fall 2020: Informal resolution, as defined in the former Sexual Harassment policy, does not exist in the Interim Policy. In its place, the university affords complainants options for a non-disciplinary intervention as well as adaptable resolution. Given specific requirements of the Title IX regulations, it is no longer feasible in the short-term to create alignment of the informal resolution option under all community policies.
4. Evaluate UI community policies and Student Judicial Procedure to identify opportunities (B, E, F, J)
  • Clarifying, simplifying, and aligning language across policies for consistency
  • Aligning appeal processes and procedures
  • Reviewing the procedures for interim measures; educational/training requirements; post-investigation procedures, including sanctioning; the intersection of complementary policies (HR, work rules, departmental policies); and the utilization of joint investigations between the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity and Human Resources
  • Fall 2020: A single Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy was created for all campus members (students, staff, faculty and visitors) eliminating the need to review and align the Policy on Sexual Harassment and Policy on Sexual Misconduct involving Students.
5. Host K-12 education and community leaders from Iowa in discussions of sexual misconduct policies critical to prevention, intervention, and legislation
  • Fall 2021: Connected with the Resource Sharing Project Director at the Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault and identified other states providing consent and healthy relationships education in K-12.

  • Fall 2021: Spoke with the County Clerk about increasing the state's marriage license fee to support healthy relationships education in middle schools and high schools.

  • Fall 2021: Met with student leaders and state legislators to discuss healthy relationships education and revising the K-12 requirements through the Iowa Department of Public Health.

6. Develop success measures for assessing the effectiveness of policies and procedures (A)
  • Fall 2019: Charged a work group in spring 2019. The work group finalized report, along with recommended success measures, and presented recommendations to the Anti-Violence Coalition.
  • Fall 2020: Success measures were integrated into the project management plant for the UI response to the new Title IX regulations published in May 2020.





A – American College Health Association. (2018). Addressing sexual and relationship violence: A trauma-informed approach. Retrieved from

B – Centers for Disease Control. (2016). STOP SV: A technical package to prevent sexual violence. Atlanta, GA. Retrieved from

C – Coulter, R. W., & Rankin, S. R. (2017). College sexual assault and campus climate for sexual-and gender-minority undergraduate students. Journal of interpersonal violence, 0886260517696870.

D – Edwards, K. M., & Sylaska, K. M. (2013). The perpetration of intimate partner violence among LGBTQ college youth: The role of minority stress. Journal of youth and adolescence, 42(11), 1721-1731.

E – Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2017). Key findings of the select task force on the study of harassment in the workplace. Retrieved from

F – Holland, K. J., Cortina, L. M., & Freyd, J. J. (2018). Compelled disclosure of college sexual assault. American psychologist, The.

G – Lindo, J. M., Siminski, P., & Swensen, I. D. (2018). College party culture and sexual assault. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 10(1), 236-65.

H – McMahon, S., Wood, L., Cusano, J., & Macri, L. M. (2018). Campus sexual assault: future directions for research. Sexual Abuse, 1079063217750864.

I – Murchison, G. R., Boyd, M. A., & Pachankis, J. E. (2017). Minority stress and the risk of unwanted sexual experiences in LGBQ undergraduates. Sex roles, 77(3-4), 221-238.

J – National Associate of Student Personnel Administrators. (2017). Institutional responses to sexual violence: What data from a Culture of Respect program tell us about the state of the field. Retrieved from

K – University of Iowa Anti-Violence Coalition Callisto Review Subcommittee. (2017). Committee report and recommendation. Retrieved from

L – U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights. (2001). Revised sexual harassment guidance: Harassment of students by school employees, other students, or third parties: Title IX. Retrieved from

M – U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights. (2017). Q&A on campus sexual misconduct. Retrieved from