Office of Civil Rights Compliance


455 Van Allen Hall
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
Office Hours:
Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Office of Civil Rights Compliance

The Office of Civil Rights Compliance coordinated the university's response to reports of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, including dating/domestic violence, and stalking when those reports involve members of or visitors to the university community. Whatever your connection—whatever brings you to this website—you are not alone as you seek to address the problems you're facing. And we are here to assist.

Informed by federal regulations and best practices, the unit aims to ensure the university’s response is fair, equitable, and effectively stops problem behavior, prevents its recurrence, and remedies its effects. The office:

  • Provides a central place to report an incident
  • Works with campus community members as they navigate situations involving potential sexual harassment and sexual misconduct
  • Works with Complainants to ensure options for resolution are understood, so they can make an informed decision as to how to proceed
  • Provides referrals to campus and community resources for support, advice, and/or help to address safety concerns
  • Facilitates supportive measures to ensure equal access to university programs and activities is preserved or restored
  • Ensures members of the university’s Title IX team, which includes investigators, adjudicators, sanctioning decision-makers, appeal officers, and OCRC-TIX response coordinators are trained in their roles and responsibilities
  • Ensures compliance with Title IX and the university’s Title IX program
  • Keeps records to ensure patterns and climate issues are identified and addressed
  • Leads the UI Anti-Violence Coalition to ensure continuous improvement in policies, procedures, and prevention efforts

All of us play a vital role in making our campus a respectful and safe place to live, learn, and work. Visit the How to Help section of our website to identify steps you can take to make a difference. We welcome your involvement in our mission to foster a campus environment that promotes reporting and compassionate responses to sexual harassment and interpersonal violence.

Download These Resources

Seek an Advocate - 24 Hour Assistance

Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP): (800) 373-1043

Monsoon Asians and Pacific Islanders in Solidarity: (866) 881-4641

Nisaa African Family Services: (844) 269-6203

An advocate can confidentially answer questions, provide information about options, and help with safety planning

Complainants have a right to include an advocate as an advisor in meetings with University administrators, law enforcement, medical personnel, and in court proceedings

Make a Complaint or Consult About Options/Resources

Office of Civil Rights Compliance - Title IX (OCRC-TIX): (319) 335-6200

Individuals may chose to take action under criminal statutes and/or University policies. The criminal and administrative processes are separate, but can be pursued concurrently.

For more information about your rights, visit “Complainant’s Rights” at view our sexual harassment and misconduct resources.

UI Confidential Resources

University Counseling Service: (UCS): (319) 335-7294                                           

Office of the Ombudsperson: (319) 335-3608

Women’s Resource and Action Center (WRAC): (319) 335-1486

Employee Assistance Program (EAP): (319) 335-2085

Research suggests that individuals who work with a counselor or advisor heal more quickly and experience less postsecondary trauma.

Request Supportive Measures

Office of Civil Rights Compliance - Title IX (OCRC-TIX): (319) 335-6200

Supportive measures can be requested without filing a formal complaint

  • Class reassignment
  • Mutual no-contact directive
  • Extension on an assignment
  • Facilitate requests regarding student financial aid
  • Workplace or schedule adjustment
  • Non-disciplinary coaching conversation with Respondent
  • Immigration or visa assistance
  • Others, based on situation

Make a Criminal Complaint or Ask for Safety Assistance

Emergency: 911

Non-Emergency: On Campus

Non-Emergency: Off Campus

Seek Medical Assistance

UIHC Campus

Emergency Dept: (319) 356-2233

UIHC Downtown Emergency Dept: (319) 339-3600

A sexual assault medical exam ensures:

  1. Physical injuries that may have occurred are promptly identified and addressed.
  2. Individuals Receive Medication for prevention of pregnancy and STIs.
  3. Evidence is collected by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner and preserved for a criminal investigation or University complaint now or in the future.

Office of Civil Rights Compliance, Title IX,
455 Van Allen Hall The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 319.335.6200

This project was supported by Grant No. 2014-WA-AX-0012 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women. Updated 7/22/2024.