Our office was recently notified that there was an error in the listing for observance dates for the Jewish holiday of Passover on the BMindful calendar tool. The BMindful calendar is a resource from the Iowa City/Coralville Area Convention & Visitors Bureau. Created in partnership with UI and community members, this resource assists employers, organizations, and event planners in scheduling important events or activities around major religious holy days celebrated by area faith communities. The calendar lists major religious holy days for 2021 – 2022 where religious observants are likely to refrain from working or attending school.
The Convention and Visitors Bureau has corrected the website to reflect the following dates for observance of Passover in 2021 and 2022.
Mar. 27 – April 4 Passover, Jewish (Week-long holiday begins at sunset of the first day. Work not permitted on Mar. 28-29 and April 3-4)
April 15 – 23 Passover, Jewish (Week-long holiday begins at sunset of the first day. Work not permitted on April 16 – 17 and April 22 - 23)
Recognizing it may be difficult to avoid all conflicting dates, we ask that program/event directors, faculty, and staff be sensitive to this issue and try to avoid scheduling critical deadlines or events on dates that students, faculty, or staff observe their major religious holy days. If you have already scheduled an important event/exam on one of these dates, be sure to allow reasonable accommodations for students or employees who request to observe their religious holy day.
Thank you for your assistance in creating a supportive and inclusive environment for all UI students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Please direct questions regarding this information to the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (diversity@uiowa.edu).