

Inclusive Events Guide

A healthy and robust campus culture recognizes all our students, faculty, and staff no matter our differences.  When we proactively consider all our differences, we provide better experiences for everyone attending events on our campus. 


With this in mind, The Division of Access, Opportunity, and Diversity in partnership with the Division of Student Life, Student Disability Services unit, released the new Accessibility-Informed Events and Programming Guide providing event organizers and campus administrators a comprehensive toolkit to plan inclusive events accessible for all attendees proactively.


The guide was created to be a living document for planning events while reducing the need for accommodations by increasing accessibility.  The information is intersectional by including practices welcoming multiple and overlapping identities. 

“I applaud the cross-campus teamwork and the creation of our new guide,” stated Liz Tovar, executive officer, and associate vice president, of the Division of Access, Opportunity, and Diversity.  “The adoption of these practices will strengthen our campus culture by supporting a more welcoming environment as outlined in the UI strategic plan.  The Accessibility-Informed Events and Programming Guide contributes to the expansion and awareness of resources providing dedicated support for our students, faculty, and staff.”

Read the Accessibility-Informed Events and Programming Guide