Related Policies

Policies & Regulations Affecting Students

It is the policy of The University of Iowa that each student shall be guaranteed the following rights and freedoms; enumeration of the rights or registration at the University shall... [more]

University of Iowa Operations Manual

The University of Iowa is governed by state and federal law, administrative regulations, and policies of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, which provide broad direction on University affairs. This University of Iowa Operations Manual contains University administrative, financial, and community policies, as well as certain University-level implementing procedures... [more]

UI Anti-Retaliation Policy

The purpose of this policy is to prevent harassment within The University of Iowa community and to provide a process for addressing all forms of harassment if and when it occurs. The University of Iowa is committed to maintaining an environment that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and that fosters tolerance, sensitivity, understanding, and mutual respect. This commitment requires that the highest value be placed on the use of reason and that any harassment in the University community be renounced as repugnant and inimical to its goals. Harassment destroys the mutual trust that binds members of the community in their pursuit of truth. [full policy]

Other University of Iowa Policies

Policies exist in various colleges and units from across the University. A list of links to policies can be found here