Confidential Resources (24-hour assistance)
The Office of Civil Rights Compliance is not a confidential resource. Connecting individuals with confidential, supportive resources are among our primary concerns.
Counselors can help provide emotional support and strategies for dealing with stress in a one-to-one or group setting.
- University Counseling Services (for students): (319) 335-7294
- Employee Assistance Program (for employees): (319) 335-2085
- CommUnity Crisis Services 24-hour confidential crisis line: (319) 351-0140
Consultation and Conflict Resolution
Within the scope of confidential support available to all members of the university community, the Office of the Ombudsperson provides information in a confidential setting about university policies and procedures. The Office can also help with informal resolutions, such as mediation before there’s a formal complaint.
Office of the Ombudsperson: (319) 335-3608
Supportive Measures
Supportive measures are individualized services offered as appropriate and reasonably available to both Complainants and Respondents prior to an investigation, while an investigation is pending or where no investigation has been requested. Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive, and may not unreasonably burden the other party. Examples include:
- Counseling
- Extensions of time or other course-related adjustments
- Modifications of work or class schedules
- Mutual restrictions on contact between the parties
- Changes in work or housing locations
- Leaves of absence
- Facilitating requests regarding student financial aid
- Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of campus
- Immigration and visa assistance
- Other changes to academic, living, dining, transportation, and working situations
Supportive measures will be individualized based on the situation. The measures needed by each party may change over time, and the Office of Civil Rights Compliance will communicate with parties to ensure that any supportive measures are necessary and effective based on the parties’ evolving needs. An individual may request to receive support – including the measures mentioned in this section – even if they do not choose to participate in a university resolution option.
Learn about the Complaint Process
The Office of Civil Rights Compliance is a resource for anyone wanting to learn about resolution options described in the Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct. Working with Complainants and Respondents, the Office of Civil Rights Compliance aims to ensure that people:
- Understand options for addressing potential violations, including the Formal Grievance Process and Adaptable Resolution as described here
- Get help initiating a Formal Grievance Process or Adaptable Resolution
- Understand any administrative process that might already be underway
- Have support and are familiar with campus and community confidential resources
- Are offered and receive supportive measures listed above.
- Know their rights and what to expect from the university
- Receive regular updates during a formal grievance process
The Office of Civil Rights Compliance does not provide legal advice. Individuals may choose to consult with an attorney at their own expense.
Request a meeting with an OIE TIXGE Response Coordinator:
- In-person or over video conference email or call 319-335-6200 to make an appointment.
- Over the phone: (319) 335-6200
- Via email
- Using this online form
Preserving Evidence
In the context of a Formal Grievance Process, Complainants and Respondents have an opportunity to provide testimony and present evidence to an impartial investigator.
General recommendations for preserving evidence:
- Do not alter, dispose of, or destroy physical evidence.
- Think about people who were around before, during, or after the incident who might remember details, so you can provide their information to the investigating office as potential witnesses. Use caution in speaking with others about the situation as the Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct prohibits retaliation.
- Preserve electronic communication, including text messages and social media posts, by saving them or taking a screenshot.
Criminal Complaints and University Resolutions
Administrative complaints are separate and distinct from criminal complaints. City and campus police enforce laws and investigate alleged criminal activity. The university enforces policies and investigates alleged violations of university policy. Someone can face consequences through the university for violating university policy even if they are found not to have committed a crime. Additionally, the consequences for being found guilty of committing a crime are different from the consequences for violating university policy.
If a formal grievance process results in a finding that university policy was violated, one or more sanctions may be imposed. Sanctions will vary based on the facts and circumstances of the particular case. Additional information about sanctions can be found in the Procedure for Alleged Violations of the Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct and the Sanctioning Guidelines for Sexual Assault.
UI-CERB Program
The Office of Civil Rights Compliance manages the UI-CERB educational program. More information on the program is available below.
Locate an Attorney
The Office of Civil Rights Compliance does not provide legal advice. Those accused of violating a university policy may choose to consult with an attorney at their own expense. The following resources are available to those searching for an attorney in the Iowa City area.
Student Legal Services Attorney Referral List:
Contains the contact information for law offices that have expressed interest in obtaining referrals
Iowa State Bar Association's Iowa Find-A-Lawyer page:
A resource for finding a lawyer by type of law and city
Respondent's Rights
Individuals who have been named in a formal complaint alleging a violation of the Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct have a right to expect:
- To be treated with dignity and respect.
- Timely written notice of a formal complaint, including the identity of the complainant, the precise misconduct being alleged, the implicated policies and procedures, and possible sanctions.
- To be presumed not responsible for alleged misconduct and that no determination of responsibility will be made until the end of the grievance process.
- To be notified of counseling and support resources as well as the right to request disability accommodations and language translations at any stage of the resolution process.
- Preservation of privacy, to the extent possible and permitted by law.
- A prompt, thorough, reliable, equitable, and impartial response, investigation, and resolution.
- To know the relevant and directly related evidence obtained and to respond to that evidence.
- To have up to two advisors providing support and assistance throughout the resolution process.
- To be notified of the outcome at or near the same time as the complainant.
For a complete list of procedural rights afforded to parties, see Section 4.23(ag) of the Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct.
The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights
Anyone who believes that an educational institution receiving federal financial assistance has discriminated against someone on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR). The person or organization filing the complaint doesn’t need to be a victim of the alleged discrimination but may complain on behalf of another person or group. This page contains information about the Office for Civil Rights, including how to file a complaint.
UI-CERB (Cognitive, Emotion Regulation, and Behavioral skills) Program
UI-CERB is an educational program aimed at increasing the use of respectful, adaptive, healthy behaviors in relationships. Facilitators work one-on-one to guide a participant to make different choices and to engage in behaviors consistent with the participant's personal values. Participants develop Cognitive, Emotion Regulation, and Behavioral skills to observe and work with their own thoughts and feelings, as well as improve their ability to communicate and resolve conflicts.
UI-CERB is completed in approximately 16 sessions with a trained facilitator. Each session is approximately one hour long.
UI-CERB may not be used as a replacement for court-ordered domestic violence counseling.
For more information, or to make arrangements to complete the UI-CERB program, contact